Get to know The WEA
Supporting Teachers Through Supporting Students
Who we Are
WEA leadership consists of the executive board, building reps and a team of negotiators. We work hard to represent our members in many different ways. Click below to meet your leaders!
Contract Info
Every two years WEA negotiators work with district administration to negotiate for competitive wages, benefits and equitable working conditions.
The mission of Wayzata Education Association is to promote quality public education, provide meaningful professional development, and to protect the rights of our educators.
The vision of Wayzata Education Association is to be mindful of an every changing educational environment while advocating for the treatment of educators as professionals.
Belief Statements
The Wayzata Education Association believes students are best served when teachers:
- are involved in curriculum development decisions
- work in a safe a supportive environment
- work in a collaborative and trusting relationship with administration
- work in a collaborative and trusting with parents and community
- are empowered to do their work
- are provided opportunities for high quality professional development
- are treated as professionals in work and compensation